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Modern slavery statement

Suscons Ltd has a zero tolerance attitude towards modern slavery and human trafficking in all its business activities and supply chains. We are committed to the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms – respect for others is a fundamental part of our culture and values as an organisation.

It is our expectation that our employees and our supply chain will respect this commitment and comply with relevant legislation. We are a business that upholds integrity and transparency in all our business dealings and our modern slavery prevention measures are no exception. We are committed to investigating any complaints about suspected human trafficking activity in relation to our business and will take prompt remedial action, where necessary

All of our contracts contain clauses setting out our Code of Conduct and statements in respect of Modern Slavery and ensures that these flow down to the contractors, who give undertakings to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to confirm such compliance on an annual basis. Should we become aware of a case of Modern Slavery within our supply chain, we would engage with the appropriate authorities and the supplier to take action, ensuring consideration of approach to ensure the safest outcome for any potential victims.

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